
Parents seek to provide the most enriching experiences for their children as they grow up, and for many, this means attending church regularly. Attending worship as a family can be an excellent bonding experience, and it also helps to instill key values like charity, honesty, and kindness. As a community that welcomes members of all ages, Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Honolulu, HI, has some tips to help you spur enthusiasm for church in your children.

3 Tips for Getting Kids Excited to Go to Church

1. Express Your Enthusiasm

Children learn from example, so one way to get them excited for weekly worship sessions is to make attendance a family-oriented activity. Show that you’re looking forward to attending church to set a positive tone for the kids. By instilling faith-based values in your children at a young age, you’ll set them up for a lifelong appreciation for religion.

2. Involve Them in Church Activities

church Honolulu HIIncorporating elements of worship into your child’s other interests will make them eager to attend church. If your child has an appreciation for music, for example, getting them involved in the church choir may heighten their interest in other faith-based activities. Many religious communities also have activities tailored specifically to children, such as youth prayer groups, to help them develop friendships within their faith and foster spiritual growth.  

3. Communicate at Their Level

Some of the subjects discussed in sermons may be too complex for young minds to grasp. Make topics more accessible for your children by using simpler terms in conversations held after worship. Many of the core principles discussed in religious readings can be explained to children using real-life examples. You may also wish to incorporate children’s books, movies, and games that support the key principles, such as helping others.

At Prince of Peace Lutheran Church’s Sunday worship or one of their regular events, your children will develop a deeper connection to God’s biblical teachings. The congregation is also involved in giving back to the community, whether through homeless or youth outreach, so there are always ways for members of all ages to get involved. To learn more about their services, visit the church online or call (808) 922-6011.
