
Even the smallest plumbing or septic maintenance problems can bring your kitchen to a grinding halt. As the manager of a restaurant, you should understand the kitchen issues faced in the industry and how to prevent them. Here are three of the most common problems.

Kitchen Plumbing & Septic Maintenance Problems to Avoid

1. Grease Clogs

drain cleaningGrease can be the biggest problem for any kitchen. As it cools, grease turns from a liquid to a solid and will clog plumbing. Grease should never be poured down a drain. Instead, have a special heat-resistant container into which you can pour hot great and let it cool for proper disposal. Then have grease traps installed, which will safely catch any remnants of grease you can’t throw away, like what comes off from washing the dishes.

2. Standing Water

Standing water on the floor not only causes water damage in the building, but also poses a safety hazard for employees. Floor drains should be installed in all potentially wet areas, such as in restrooms, by the dishwashing area, under prep stations with sinks, and behind the cooking line. The floor should slope towards the floor drains to direct water down there. The plumbing under these drains can quickly become clogged with dirt and larger food particles, so monthly maintenance is a must.

3. Garbage Disposal Clogs

The garbage disposals are another part of the kitchen that need some special attention to avoid clogs. Use a degreaser on occasion to prevent grease buildup, and have your employees refrain from using the disposal unless necessary. Have the garbage disposal serviced monthly as well at the same time as the floor drains.


Having the right preventative work done with Bob’s Sweetwater Pumping Service will prevent disastrous clogs in Kona, HI. For over 10 years, their contractors have provided regular drain cleaning, septic maintenance, and cesspool pumping. Have them take care of your kitchen’s plumbing so you can focus on serving your customers. Call (808) 885-7159 or visit them online to schedule a friendly, prompt servicing appointment.
