
If you aren’t ready to have kids, it’s smart to consider various family planning options. Whether the choice is a natural method or effective medications, knowing what’s available allows you to make the best and most informed decision. Though many may are shy to visit a gynecologist to discuss the right and safe approach for their situation, consulting with a professional about such matters has several advantages.

The Benefits of Family Planning

1. Financial Stability

Having children can be an incredibly expensive undertaking, especially when you consider the medical costs associated with pregnancy. With family planning, however, parents ensure they only have more children when they can handle the financial commitment. In this way, they can allocate resources to the kids they already have, which is particularly important when children have special needs or chronic medical conditions. 

2. Fewer Health Risks

family planningFamily planning also allows women to decide what’s best for their well-being, as pregnancy at certain life stages can be a serious health risk. For example, older women face potential complications, including gestational diabetes, low blood pressure, and chromosomal abnormalities in the baby. Pregnant teens face their own set of risks from early childbearing, including premature birth, anemia, and cephalopelvic disproportion. For those who already have children, family planning helps space out pregnancies, which prevents premature birth and schizophrenia.

3. Reduced Infant Mortality

Family planning even plays a critical role in preventing infant mortality. Closely spaced pregnancies can cause increased death rates among infants. With the proper foresight and guidance, though, parents should wait 18 to 24 months — but less than five years — before attempting to get pregnant again. Doing so promotes better health for both the mom and baby. 


If you need assistance with your family planning strategies, reach out to the experts at Greece Obstetrics and Gynecology, based in Rochester, NY. Serving the community for over 30 years, their team ensures patients stay healthy by helping them determine which options are best for their lifestyles. To schedule an appointment, give them a call today at (585) 225-6680. You can also find more information about their services on their website.