
Children who wear eyeglasses may wish to make the switch to contact lenses for appearance reasons among others. Contacts can help boost self-esteem, resulting in a more confident, productive, responsible child. They are also more convenient for active children. There is no set age for wearing contact lenses, as 10 percent of lens wearers are under 18 years old. The team at Clear Vision Center, in Brooklyn, NY, outlines how to determine if your child is lens-ready.

How to Tell Your Child Is Ready for Contact Lenses

They Practice Good Hygiene

Children who routinely practice good hygiene without gentle encouragement from you are probably capable of handling contact lenses. Such kids typically maintain neat and organized rooms and wash their hands before eating. Wearers of all ages must follow strict hygiene practices, such as applying lenses with clean fingers, using only recommended saline solutions, and changing the lens case every 30 days.

They Need Them For Sports

contact lensesKids who wear eyeglasses and play sports benefit greatly from contact lenses. Making this switch eliminates glasses-related eye injuries from sporting equipment and contact with other players. It also avoids vision issues from foggy glasses inside helmets. You may decide your child should wear contact lenses during sports events depending on their typical grooming practices.

They Understand the Responsibilities & Risks

Whether your young one requires contact lenses for sports or not, you must emphasize the responsibilities and risks involved. Dirty lenses applied with dirty hands increases the chances of eye irritation and infections. Your child must understand how to properly disinfect the lenses, why it is essential to only use saline solution to clean them, when to replace the lenses, and why sharing contacts is so unhealthy. If you feel your child truly understands the risks and responsibilities, he or she is ready for lens wear. You should also supervise your child during the lens application and removal process.

Take your child to Clear Vision Center for a comprehensive eye exam and to discuss contact lens options with one of the talented eye doctors. Soft, disposable lenses generally work best for comfort and eye health reasons. Call the locally-owned vision center today at (718) 771-0078 to schedule an appointment or visit the website for additional information.
