
Dental health is incredibly important, not only for the appearance of your smile but for the condition of your entire body. That is why it is so imperative to take proper care of your teeth. To help improve your oral hygiene, Charles P. Debbane, DDS and Laura M. Arnold, DDS, elite family dentists in Hamilton, OH, have shared their top three tips.

How to Better Your Oral Health

1. Improve Your Diet

What you eat has an immediate impact on your teeth. Items that are too hard, too sticky, or too sugary can cause a multitude of issues from cracks to the stripping of the enamel. It is best to avoid sweet foods as much as possible. Soda, tropical fruits, and white bread, which quickly translates into glucose in your body, can all cause harm. Stick to a balanced, natural diet including plenty of dairy, omega-3-rich fish, apples, and leafy greens.

2. Stop Smoking

dentistSmoking is a dangerous habit when it comes to your mouth. This alone can lead to stained, yellowed teeth, a buildup of bacteria resulting in halitosis, and even a reduced sense of taste. Because of its harmful side effects, it is one of the leading causes of gum or periodontal disease. Excessive or long-term use may lead to the loss of one or many teeth and even affect the bone within your jaw. If you are serious about your oral health, it is best to stop smoking entirely.

3. Visit the Dentist Regularly

Plenty of at-home tips can help you lead a healthier life. However, this does not mean you can skip on going to the dentist. At least once yearly, make a regular check-up appointment. The professionals are the only ones who can perform X-rays, identify minor or major issues, and come up with a treatment plan. For example, a tiny cavity may not seem like an emergency. If left unattended, though, it can grow over time and potentially result in a full loss of the tooth. Instead of paying for a dental implant, you can visit your dentist for an inexpensive filling.

Keep your oral health in check with these simple tips. If you're currently looking for a dentist in Hamilton, OH, visit Charles P. Debbane, DDS and Laura M. Arnold, DDS. The family dentists and their team of highly-trained professionals are proficient in a number of skills. Whether you require dental veneers, a tooth extraction, or even emergency dental care, they'll take care of any need. For more information, visit their website or call (513) 887-6654 today.
