
Orthodontics can increase a child’s confidence with a winning smile. Braces are recommended to improve appearance and correct bite and jaw position. They can be fit at nearly any age, but guidelines should be followed when deciding if it’s the right time for your kids to start orthodontics. The following guide will help inform that decision.

When Is the Right Time for Your Child to Get Braces?

Cause for Braces

A significant overbite, underbite, jaw disorder, misalignment, and crooked or missing teeth are all issues that orthodontics can improve for the sake of appearance and health. Kids between the ages of 10 and 14 are prime candidates because their heads and mouths are still growing and they have most or all of their permanent teeth. Talk over the orthodontic options with your kid and dentist to determine the right timing.

Types of Braces

orthodonticsThree main types of braces are available: brackets, lingual, and bands. Brackets come in clear plastic or metal and are bonded to each tooth, while lingual braces are brackets positioned on the back of the teeth. Bands consist of metal bands that cover most of the tooth area. All use wires to reposition teeth and bite alignment. Your dentist or orthodontist will help you make the best choice for your child’s circumstances.


Every child’s situation is different. A typical time frame for wearing braces falls between 1.5 to 2.5 years. Generally, a younger child’s teeth will be more pliable, so the treatment may take less time. Many people have to wear a retainer after braces come off as well. 


Braces are effective because the gradual tightening of the wires moves teeth to their optimal location. This can cause some soreness immediately after an appointment. But while the application of braces takes time, it is not painful, and kids generally adjust well to their orthodontics.


Not every kid needs braces. It’s a decision that you, your child, and an orthodontist should discuss. In Honolulu and Lihue, HI, residents trust their kids’ orthodontics to the professional staff at Pediatric Dental Group. Since 1966, they have provided orthodontic procedures, general kids’ dentistry, teeth cleanings, cavity prevention, and more. Call (808) 593-8828 to book an appointment, or visit the website to learn more about their services.
