
Whether it's centered in the back, knees, shoulders, or other places on the body, constant physical pain can be debilitating. Relief can't come fast enough for those who experience agony on a daily basis. One effective way to ease suffering is to turn to an experienced chiropractor. Here's a helpful guide to how chiropractic treatment can do wonders for the nervous and musculoskeletal systems of the body.

Pain Relief Through A Chiropractor's Care

Treating the Nervous System

chiropractorThe nervous system stems from the spinal cord, which controls bodily movements. When the spinal cord is misaligned, it can affect other body parts, resulting in sore muscles, ligaments, and tendons. A professional chiropractor has the training to make strategic adjustments that align the spine and take pressure off aching joints. After an adjustment visit, which typically focuses on the arms, hips, legs, neck, and spine, the entire nervous system
is able to function unobstructed. Pain, kinks, and fatigue can be treated  through regular visits.

Treating the Musculoskeletal System

Another key system within the body is the musculoskeletal system. It uses a range of muscles for blood circulation, posture maintenance, and physical movement. The muscles categorized into three types: cardiac, skeletal and smooth, all linked to the heart. The skeleton, which includes bones, cartilage, and ligaments, provides the foundation for the entire system to move in tandem.
When components of the musculoskeletal system are damaged, physical pain is the outcome. A licensed chiropractor will treat affected areas of the body with tissue massage, joint manipulation, and articulation. All treatments are designed to loosen muscle tension, improve joint mobility, and get the blood flowing directly to muscle tissues.
Regular visits to a professional chiropractor can be the remedy for ongoing physical pain. Since 1979, Randy R Collins, DC, in Honolulu, HI, has been the trusted chiropractor for clients from all walks of life. The chiropractic clinic offers a wide range of treatment options to address the causes of misaligned spines and other aches and pains. To schedule a session, call (808) 839-7474 today. Visit the website to see the full list of services.