
The main goal of any surgical procedure is to solve a major health problem; however, as with other treatment modalities, patients can expect to develop various side effects in the process. For example, pain is especially common after joint replacement surgery, but relying on powerful prescription painkillers is not healthy or sustainable. Fortunately, there are a few natural remedies that can ease the worst of the pain following an invasive procedure. Below, a chiropractor from Red Wing Chiropractic Clinic PA explains how they help patients achieve relief after surgery.

3 Methods Chiropractor Uses to Relieve Pain After Surgery  

1. Acupuncture 

Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine hailing from China. During this procedure, a chiropractor inserts thin needles into strategic points on the body. There is little clinical data that explains precisely how acupuncture works, but researchers have found that it can relieve chronic lower back pain, neck pain, and knee pain. In some cases, it can also reduce the need for opioid analgesics following surgery. 

2. Spinal Adjustments 

chiropractorSpinal adjustments restore the skeletal system to its original positioning, which facilitates the body’s natural healing process by improving circulation and promoting better health and wellness in general. Regular adjustments can also lend to faster progress during physical therapy sessions because the body will be in a more natural, relaxed position with a better range of motion. This makes it easier to regain mobility after surgery. 

3. Heat & Ice Therapy 

Ice therapy can reduce inflammation shortly after surgery, and heat therapy can be applied later to relieve any residual pain. Ice therapy minimizes tissue damage, mitigates muscle spasms, and eliminates soreness by numbing soft tissue, while heat therapy blocks pain signals and dilates blood vessels, which promotes relaxation in the affected muscles. 

If you’re planning on undergoing surgery in the near future, turn to Red Wing Chiropractor Clinic PA to devise a treatment plan that will eliminate pain and discomfort during the recovery process. Their knowledgeable team helps patients throughout Goodhue County, MN, achieve the relief they desperately need. Request an appointment online, or call (651) 388-8294.
