
Through the art of modern prosthodontics, your cosmetic dentist can create a set of dentures that look and feel realistic. However, there is a learning curve to wearing them, since your tongue, gums, and remaining teeth need time to adjust to the changes. Below is a brief guide to getting used to wearing dentures, along with what you can do to speed up the transition. 

How Long Does It Take to Feel Comfortable?

When you first start wearing dentures, you may find it uncomfortable or difficult to chew, talk, and even keep them in place. Fortunately, most people adjust to wearing them within about a month, restoring chewing abilities and self-confidence. During the first few weeks, you may create more saliva than normal, which usually tapers off by the third week. Around this time, your gums may develop invisible calluses that make chewing more comfortable. If you experience any problems with infections or severe discomfort during the first few weeks of wearing dentures, report the problem to your cosmetic dentist as soon as possible. 

What Can I Do to Speed Up the Process?

cosmetic dentistFortunately, you can speed up the transition to wearing dentures comfortably by wearing them as much as your cosmetic dentist recommends. During the first few weeks, you may need to eat softer foods than normal as you adjust.

Take care of your dentures by brushing and flossing them every day, and soak them overnight in an ADA-approved solution to sanitize the prosthetic. Proper care and reporting problems to your dentist will help you avoid potential complications, which can make the recovery process easier. 


Adjusting to a lifestyle change as big as getting a new set of dentures takes a great deal of patience and support, which is why the cosmetic dentists at Waterford Dental Health are dedicated to helping you along the way. With a focus on proper dental care and a commitment to oral health, they will help you to reach your dental goals. Visit them online to learn more about their practice, and call (860) 447-2235 to schedule an appointment today.
