
Many families with children in elementary school facilitate screen time as a form of entertainment and learning. But is this screen time harmful? Here, Hawaii Baptist Academy in Honolulu, HI, shares some information to help you decide how much access your kids should have and how they can use these devices in a helpful manner.

How You Can Help Your Kids with Too Much Screen Time

How Much Screen Time Should Your Children Have?

elementary schoolThe American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children and teens have limited daily time to use computers, tablets, and smartphones. According to the guidelines, elementary school-age children can have an hour or two of programming per day so long as it is supervised, high-quality content. Parents can decide on this number based on their kids' needs and interests, and should be flexible when necessary. For example, students who require the Internet to work on a school project can have extended time to use the computer. 

What Is Acceptable Screen Time?

The AAP notes that screen time should be spent with high-quality sources. What does that mean? Create a family media plan for your kids. This should note timing limits for technology use as well as what websites and ratings are appropriate. Always supervise your children while they use the Internet to ensure they’re being safe. Teach them to ask before creating any online accounts. You should prefer instructional content over games or social media when approving your children’s online activities. There are many educational resources online, like games that keep track of learning development and scores, which would be an example of acceptable screen time.

If you want your elementary school kids to learn about responsible digital citizenship and productive media usage in connection with their education, enroll them at Hawaii Baptist Academy. The private Christian school teaches morals, values, and faith in addition to academics to encourage children to be compassionate, skilled members of their communities. Call the school at (808) 536-6830 for the K-6 program or (808) 595-7585 for the middle or high school program. Visit the website for information on their elementary school academics, homestay options, tuition, and financial aid options.
