
Getting injured on the job can be a traumatic experience, and it’s something most people don’t prepare for. Injured workers are entitled to receive workers’ compensation, which might pay for medical expenses, lost wages, and disability. However, attorneys have seen many employees make mistakes that hinder their chances of getting approved for these benefits. 

What Are Some Common Mistakes That Are Made After a Work Injury?

1. Failing to Report Your Injury in a Timely Manner

One of the most common mistakes workers make is waiting too long to report their injury to their employer. Not reporting a work-related accident might cause your boss to wonder if you’re truly hurt at all. Attorneys advise notifying your boss about the accident within 30 days. If you don’t let your employer know about the injury within two years, you will no longer be eligible for benefits.  

2. Delaying Medical Treatment

attorneysAfter getting hurt on the job, your employer will want you to get examined by a physician as soon as possible. They will determine the extent of your injuries and recommend the proper treatment. Delaying medical treatment doesn’t just put your health in jeopardy, but it can also make your employer believe that you’re not that injured.

3. Not Reporting All Injuries

When you go and see a doctor, remember to tell them about every injury that resulted from the work accident. If you, for example, fell and broke your leg but also injured your hand, let your physician know. Waiting too long to report a secondary injury might lead your employer to believe you are trying to claim unnecessary benefits.

4. Not Hiring Legal Help

While you aren’t required to retain legal counsel to file a claim, it’s recommended. Workers’ compensation law can be quite complex, so it helps to have someone with knowledge and experience on your side. If your employer denies the claim or offers a settlement that doesn’t cover your medical bills, for example, skilled attorneys will fight for your rights.


If you were recently injured at work, consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible. The attorneys at Egan & Richgels, S.C. in La Crosse, WI, have more than 40 years of experience helping accident victims get justice. They have successfully recovered millions of dollars in damages for their clients and have knowledge and experience in all areas of personal injury law. To schedule a consultation, call (608) 784-0087, or visit their website to learn more about their team.
