Even if drivers do their best to stay safe on the road, auto insurance protects against the unexpected. Though coverage is required, many still worry about is paying exorbitant premiums. Fortunately, there are several ways to lower payments, from installing safety features to making smarter car purchases and working with a professional.

How to Lower Your Auto Insurance

1. Install Safety & Anti-Theft Features

Many carriers reward drivers with discounted rates if they have safety and anti-theft features installed on their vehicles. Consider adding an alarm system, motorized seat belts, or keyless entry as deterrents against would-be thieves and vehicle damage.

2. Buy an Older Car

auto insurancePurchasing an older model car or truck instead of the latest model could save you money on auto insurance. Full coverage, which is a bit more expensive, may not be needed on older vehicles. However, banks and other lenders typically require borrowers who financed their cars to have collision and comprehensive coverage.

3. Maintain Good Driving Habits

Reduce auto insurance premiums by maintaining a solid driving record. Avoid traffic tickets and other penalties by staying mindful on the road. Don’t speed, observe school zone limits, and drive defensively to prevent accidents.

4. Work With One Insurance Provider

If you have auto insurance and other policies with the same provider, you may be eligible for discounted rates. Consider securing coverage for your vehicles as well as homeowners insurance from the same carrier. Ask about additional opportunities for motorcycle protection and if you're an entrepreneur, business insurance.

5. Boost Your Credit Score

Your credit score may factor into how much a provider charges. The higher the number, the likelier you are to receive a lower rate, as it is associated with conscientious behavior. For a favorable figure, pay bills on time and be responsible with credit card use.


These are just a few easy ways to lower auto insurance payments. Chanler Agency in Geneseo and Livonia, NY, continues to be the area's go-to source for securing affordable and reliable coverage. As an independent agency, you'll have access to the nation's leading providers of top-quality policies. To get started, call (585) 243-5520 for free, no-obligation insurance quotes. Visit the website for extensive information on protecting you and your vehicles.