
Many property owners use excessive amounts of water to maintain a healthy and appealing landscape. Unfortunately, this results in high utility costs and unnecessary waste of a precious resource. This is why it’s worth installing a residential irrigation system. When properly installed, not only will this reduce the time and effort that must be put into landscape maintenance, but it will also prevent sidewalks and bare areas from being watered. If you’re looking for an effective way to conserve water and save a bit of money, an irrigation system may help you achieve your goals.

How to Use Residential Irrigation Systems to Reduce Water Waste 

Install Drip Irrigation 

Drip irrigation systems are designed to output water only in designated areas. This allows you to choose exactly where you need the water to go. Drip irrigation also delivers water directly to the roots of plants, cutting down on the evaporation that typically occurs with spray systems. The drip can either be turned on manually or with a timer, and some systems allow for the water flow to be adjusted, preventing overwatering. 

Capture Rainwater

residential irrigationCapturing rainwater offers another way to reduce water waste. Depending on how much rainfall your local area averages each year, you may end up with enough to provide for your landscape without using another water source. Under the right conditions, your harvested rainwater may give you the opportunity to irrigate your landscape for free. 

Utilize Irrigation Scheduling 

Regardless of the kind of residential irrigation system you decide to install, you may consider adding a timer feature that permits you to control when, how often, and how much you water. These can be programmed for different days and times of the week to accommodate your specific watering needs. They can also be modified to account for weather.


When used correctly, residential irrigation systems can be the most efficient form of watering. For high-quality watering systems and installation services, the residents of Glenville, GA, rely on King’s Pump and Technical Service. For more than 15 years, they have made it easy and cost-effective for property owners to enjoy beautiful and healthy landscapes. Contact them at (912) 654-0149, or visit their website for additional information. 
