
Concrete is one of the most versatile, cost-effective building materials on the market today. It solidifies foundations, stabilizes structures, and is commonly used for walkways, driveways, basements, garage floors, and porches. Make sure your residence remains in good condition by recognizing when you need concrete repair and following up with routine care and maintenance.

3 Indicators You Need Concrete Repair

1. Sunken Concrete

Soil changes underneath your slabs can cause them to sink. The unevenness can be dangerous to walk on and compromise your foundation. If you notice this issue, ask your concrete repair service professionals about subjacking. This concrete lifting process restores your slab to its original height, which is more cost-effective than replacement.

2. Cracks 

concrete repairCracks in your concrete garage or basement floors may be a sign you need foundation repair. This damage also comes from problems with soil, particularly if you go through varying periods of drought and heavy rainfall. Professionals recommend stabilizing the structure with steel piering. Contractors will attach steel brackets and drive a steel pier through the supporting beams, creating permanent stability for your foundation.

3. Pooling Water

If stagnant water remains on your concrete walkway or driveway after heavy rain, it may be due to improper drainage. These structures usually require sealcoating, but it may wear off over time. Ask your contractor to conduct an inspection to see whether you need spot repairs or have to reseal the entire structure.


If you need concrete repair, contact the professionals at Dwyer Company in Bryan Station, Auburndale, and Tylersville, KY. They assist residential and commercial properties in the community with waterproofing, concrete lifting, soil stabilization, and foundation repair. Their team of experts works with every customer, so you fully understand the work being performed and are fully satisfied with the final product. For more information on their available services visit them online, or call (859) 231-0998 for a free estimate.
