
May is National Family Wellness Month. As a dentist in a family dental office, Dr. Joy Lunan treats children, adults and seniors. As you could probably imagine each of these age groups has different needs and thus, requires a different approach to their oral health care. Dr. Lunan strives to make all of her patients comfortable, regardless of what age they may be. It’s important to her and her entire staff to keep their patients in good oral health with regular cleanings and exams so they may be at their very best and be free to enjoy a happy and healthy life free from oral pain or discomfort. 

The Early Years

Did you know that tooth decay is the most common childhood disease? It is 4 x more common that early childhood obesity. It is 5 x more common than asthma, 7 x more common than hay fever and it is 20 x more common than diabetes. Our children’s baby teeth lay the foundation for healthy adult teeth – teeth that we hope will last them a lifetime. Dental problems can affect children’s academics as they tend to struggle to learn or focus in school. This can further lead to lack of self confidence or even being reluctant to smile.  

When your child is ready (age may vary, generally around ages 2-4 years old) bring them to visit Dr. Joy Lunan at least yearly. Preventive care can help help fend off expensive dental costs, as well as create good dental habits for the future. In between visits to Dr. Lunan, wipe baby teeth daily with gauze. You can move on to brushing gently if your child can tolerate it and floss daily. Always use a fluoridated toothpaste – a small smear is good for 0-3 years old, a pea sized amout is good for ages 3-6.  And don’t forget to let us know if your child plays sports, Dr. Lunan will recommend a sportsguard to protect them against broken teeth. 

Here and Now

When you bring your child in for their dental visit, why not schedule an appointment for yourself? It is always a good idea to try to lead by example. If your child sees that you take it seriously for yourself they’ll be more likely to follow through with taking care of their own teeth throughout their life.  Keep up with regualrly scheduled cleanings and exams twice a year. Brush and floss twice daily and you will be well on your way to great oral health as well as overall health.

The Golden Years

When you become a senior citizen it is especially important to take care of your oral health. Since we know poor oral health affects our overall health, it’s important to mention that gum disease has been linked to a while host of health problems such as high blood pressure, stroke and even heart disease. As we age, then move into retirement and get out of out usual routines, we tend to overlook health and wellness as a whole. Now is the time to do just the oposite.

As we age it is only natural that our teeth have more wear and tear, after all we have had them almost our entire lifetime. It’s always important to brush and floss twice daily, but it’s also important not to overbrush. Brushing too hard or with a hard bristled tooth brush can wear down your teeth even further. Flossing is something most of us do about 30%-50% of the time. It takes less than a minute to floss, and if you are entering your senior years and have not made this a part of your daily routine already – start now.  

Remember to keep dentures and partial dentures clean also. Bacteria and debris on the denture will also be in conatct with your gum tissues, leading to gum disease if not cleaned properly. Try to stay hydrated. Certain medications and frequent urination can lead to a dry mouth which can lead to tooth decay. If you have lost teeth for whatever reason you may want to discuss dental implants with Dr. Lunan. We now have the abilty to give people a third set of teeth! Missing teeth can lead to lack of self confidence and maybe even lack of smiling. You may have a sunken look to your face which makes you appear older than your true age. You may even have difficulties eating and chewing properly which can lead to poor digestion. Dental implants are an ideal treatment for our senior citizens, so discuss your options with Dr. Lunan, you’ll be glad you did.

Whether you are a senior citizen or just learning how to hold a toothbrush, and you live in the Middlebury, CT area, now is the perfect time to call Dr. Joy Lunan’s dental office to schedule an appointment. Dr Lunan and her team love their patients and treasure all ages. To book your appointment, you can call us today at 203-598-7920. We are looking forward to meeting you and your family!    See our reviews.

