
When your little one is feeling under the weather, it is often not a cause for concern. But if they’re demonstrating certain symptoms, keeping them home from child care is the best option. You don’t want the illness to spread to other kids, nor do you want to worsen your child’s symptoms. Great Beginnings, a licensed child care center in St. Charles and Cottleville, MO, explains some of the most common indicators that kids should stay home in the sections below. 

When to Keep Kids Home From Child Care

1. Vomiting

Vomiting more than once in the span of 24 hours is a clear sign your child shouldn’t go to child care. Not only can it be painful and upsetting for kids, but it could also lead to dehydration. A responsible adult should be home with your child to ensure they’re getting plenty of water.

2. Diarrhea

Like vomiting, diarrhea can also result in severe dehydration. Leaking diapers or frequent bathroom trips coupled with runny, possibly bloody bowel movements can be caused by anything from disagreeable foods to a contagious illness. If you’ve ruled diet and medication out as causes, keep your child at home and supervised.

3. Behavioral Changes

child careSick children crying nonstop, displaying irritability and listlessness, coughing erratically, or having difficulty breathing potentially point to a severe illness. Monitor your child carefully, but if their condition worsens, you should take them to a doctor.

4. Rashes

Child care centers tend to differ in their policies on rashes, but as a general rule, it’s safer to keep your child home if the irritation was caused by anything other than allergies. Rashes accompanied by fever and extreme discomfort are especially notable signs of transferability.

5. Sore Throat

Sore throats caused by viruses and bacteria are highly contagious. If your child is also experiencing fever, throat spots, and swollen tonsils, they likely have strep throat and will need to see a doctor. Simply coughing or sneezing near someone or sharing the same objects can spread the illness. Groups of people in closed-off spaces are especially susceptible, so have your child stay home.

Great Beginnings is a child care facility that promotes a safe environment and well-balanced curriculum for little learners. These caregivers emphasize communication between peers, instructors, and parents in order to strengthen your child’s sense of community and belonging. You can read about their renowned early childhood education programs online or call (636) 724-5048 to learn about enrollment.
