
Once you become a homeowner, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the utility services you rely on. This also includes your residential plumbing system and the variety of ways it serves you on a daily basis. Below are a few basic facts every homeowner should know about the drains and pipes running through their home.

4 Facts You Should Know About Your Residential Plumbing

1. Location of Main Water Valve

Dealing with a water leak can become even more challenging if you don't know where the main valve is located. This is one of the first things to learn after moving into a new home. Usually, valves are installed close to your water meter. If you’re still not sure, ask a local plumber to show you where your home’s main and shut-off valves are.

2. Pipe Types

Residential PlumbingPlumbing mechanisms rely on different types of piping to handle a variety of tasks. Learning about the materials and age of these components will help you decide whether they are fit to use. Older properties, for instance, may employ obsolete lead pipes. According to a 1986 regulation, these pipes are banned from use due to contamination concerns. Modern homes utilize PVC pipes to ensure safe water quality.

3. Water Meter Readings

The readings on your water meter help you keep a tab on your water usage. If the difference in monthly readings is higher than usual, you may have a leak somewhere on the property. Consult a plumbing professional or your local supply authority to learn how to read the meter.

4. Hot & Cold Water Supply

When you turn the hot water faucet, it takes a while for the supply to warm up. That’s because the water heats up by passing through a heating unit. Based on your requirements, you can choose between a storage tank, tankless options, or heat pumps.


Learning about your residential plumbing system can make it easier to manage. Anytime you need plumbing repairs or other services, turn to the experienced contractors at Quality Plumbing. Since 2007, their plumbers have offered top-tier water purification and bathroom remodeling solutions to clients throughout Honolulu, HI. For further information about their round-the-clock leak repair services, call (808) 384-0412 or visit their website.
