
Having healthy and beautiful teeth not only boosts self-confidence, it is essential for comfort when eating and talking. Cosmetic dentistry improves the appearance of your smile in addition to restoring health and optimal function. For your reference, Tri-State Dental Care in Fort Wright, KY, shares the most popular forms of cosmetic dental work.

4 Most Popular Forms of Cosmetic Dentistry

1. Teeth Whitening

Teeth become stained over time with substances like coffee, tea, wine, or nicotine. Your dentist can bleach tooth enamel, removing stains and returning to a natural white. Some whitening can be done with over-the-counter products with minimal results and often causing a lot of teeth sensitivity, while most patients usually need an in-office procedure which tends to be much more effective than over the counter products. 

2. Veneers

cosmetic-dentistryVeneers are a solution for cracked, crooked, discolored, or chipped teeth. Made of thin porcelain or resin, these composite caps cover imperfections and change the size and appearance of teeth. Your dentist will take customized measurements and match the color of your own teeth. Application typically takes up to three appointments from initial consultation to complete installation, bonding veneers to your existing tooth surface.

3. Crowns 

Crowns are used to strengthen, support, and protect broken or weakened teeth, or to improve the look of a tooth. They can also cover dental implants. Crowns are made of metal, porcelain, resin, or a combination of those materials. Porcelain crowns look the most natural and are best for those who can’t or don’t want to use metal. Permanent crowns are custom-made for you and will take at least two appointments to craft and install. 

4. Bridges

Bridges consist of replacing a missing tooth, made of porcelain or metal, which is attached to adjoining teeth to cover gaps. Sometimes crowns are necessary for the attaching teeth to properly support the bridge. Bridges restore normal chewing and speaking ability, and help prevent other teeth from moving out of place.

Cosmetic dentistry boosts confidence and addresses more serious issues that can result from damaged or missing teeth. If you’re looking for reliable cosmetic dentistry, Tri-State Dental Care is here for you. Serving all of Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana, this clinic handles all dental needs, from regular exams and cleaning to denture fitting and urgent care. Call (859) 426-2790 to book an appointment or visit the website to learn more about their services.
