
The trucking industry has been a staple of the American freight industry since the 1960s. Truck driving school made applicants into brave explorers, traversing the nation’s brand new interstate highway system. Today, despite the high volumes of cargo that still need moving, the industry is experiencing a driver shortage. Below is a quick guide to the factors that gave rise to this supply-demand imbalance. 

Bye Bye, Baby Boomers

The trucking industry has long employed mainly baby boomers, so many drivers are currently nearing retirement age. As they leave the field in droves, however, they’re not being replaced by younger candidates at the same rates other industries usually see employee replacement. Trucking was a glorified career in the 20th century, promising a combination of the freedom of the open road with the latest freight technology. Young professionals today aren’t as exposed to the option or its value.

Lack of Awareness

Truck Driving SchoolThere are many youths today who, just as the early baby boomers, yearn for a life on the open road, free of offices and towers of paperwork. Unfortunately, unless they research opportunities, there is less exposure to the option of truck driving school, and many students strictly associate the notion of entering the workforce with 9-5 days spent in cubicles.

For those who’d readily trade in such a conception for the calm of the interstate, the transition is a quick and lucrative one. After only four weeks of truck driving school, interested individuals could be on the road making over $40,000 upon first entering the industry. Trucking used to be a viable means of supporting a family and building a life—and it is still the case today.


If you’re in the Greater Rochester, NY, area and are interested in attending truck driving school, contact the Professional Driver Institute today. Their professionals offer both classroom and hands-on experience to get hopefuls on the road, licensed and accredited, within the month. Call (585) 293-1203 to speak with a friendly representative, or visit the website to schedule a tour and learn more about their programs.
