
Depending on where you live, the water being pumped into your home can have a negative impact. Hard water is an issue for many people, and it’s important to recognize when it’s time to install a water softening system. While none of these issues are detrimental to your health, the staff at McAleer Water Conditioning, Inc., in Anamosa, IA, advise that a water softening system can immediately improve day-to-day grooming and cleaning, as well as the health of your plumbing.

5 Signs You Need a Home Water Softener

1. Dry Skin

The mineral count in hard water is much higher when untreated, and for most people, it causes dry, itchy skin. They’re difficult to wash off in the shower or sink and can clog pores. A water softening system filters minerals like calcium to reduce this effect, so consider one if you’re chronically itchy or dry.

2. Clogged Plumbing

water-softeningHard water gradually causes a buildup of limescale—a mineral deposit—that, over time, restricts the flow of water in your piping. This eventually leads to regular clogs and potential damage from pressure, which requires costly repairs. Rather than replacing your plumbing, install a water softening system, as it will eliminate issues with limescale.

3. Faded, Uncomfortable Clothing

Hard water affects your clothing the same way it does your skin. It breaks down fibers, causes colors to fade, and also causes irritation right after they’re washed. While laundry softeners can help, a water softening system is the best solution to the issue.

4. Stains in Sinks & Tubs

Calcium and magnesium will cause mineral deposits to build up in your sinks and tubs the same way they do with piping. While these can be scrubbed off, they’re unsightly, and loosened buildup can go on to clog drains if washed down.

5. Increased Water Bills

As limescale restricts water flow in your piping, it causes your system to work harder. This, in turn, affects utility bills. If you notice a sudden spike, speak with water treatment professionals, as they can inspect to see if you have hard water and provide you with possible solutions.

If you’re ready to install a water softening system, turn to the staff at McAleer Water Conditioning, Inc, in Anamosa. They provide a number of water treatment services, as well as products ranging from water filtration systems to water softeners to ensure their customers get the most from their systems. Call (800) 397-1995 today to speak with their staff, and visit their website and Facebook page to browse their products.
