
Most people vacuum their flooring once or twice every week. While this cleaning technique is necessary, it’s not enough. It’s important to do a yearly deep carpet cleaning on top of this more frequent maintenance. Why doesn’t regular vacuuming do the trick? Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning in West Lake Hills, TX, shares why they recommend using a professional carpet cleaning service.

Do Yearly Deep Carpet Cleanings for These 3 Reasons

1. Mitigating Respiratory Issues

Your carpet picks up contaminants all day. Dust, dirt, pet hair and dander, skin cells, and pollen settle into flooring fibers. Deep carpet cleanings are necessary to remove these contaminants and make the air in your home cleaner. Individuals who have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues will greatly benefit from these cleanings, as they’ll improve air quality and improve the look and feel of your carpet.

2. Improving the Lifespan of Your Flooring

All carpets have an expected lifespan. To reach that number of years, you must take care of your flooring. Professional carpet cleanings are a part of this important maintenance, as they’ll help preserve a proper distance between your carpet fibers by removing dirt and other materials that can potentially weaken your carpet. This extra step can help your carpet maintain its intended durability for years to come.

3. Removing Marks & Stains

carpet cleaningA simple vacuuming can’t fight stains from muddy paw prints or food. For these tough marks, you’ll need to hire a carpet cleaning crew who can use their expertise and tools to deep clean the flooring and remove all traces of that wine splash, baby food, or ground-in dirt. 

By scheduling a yearly carpet cleaning, you’re improving the durability of your floor — making it look better, removing stains, and improving the air quality in your home. To set up an appointment with the experienced technicians at Heaven’s Best Carpet Cleaning, call (512) 328-2504. Visit the website for information on their system that includes using a powerful dry vacuum, buffer, and exclusive cleaning solution. The company also offers hardwood floor, tile, grout, and upholstery cleaning, so turn to them for all your home maintenance needs.
