
Summer is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time to fire up those gas grills for backyard barbecue season. But before you plan out the menu and create your guest list, you need to give your grill a little maintenance after the long winter. To prepare you for barbecuing mastery this summer, Cincinnati Gas Lite Co. in Ohio has provided three helpful cleaning tips to get your grill ready for summer use.

 3 Tips for Cleaning Gas Grills

1. Scrub the Grates

gas grillsOne of the first tasks you’ll want to do to get your grill ready for summer is to scrub the grates. Over time, chunks of food build up on the grates, creating an unclean cooking surface. Even if you’re accustomed to brushing the grates before or after each use, it’s going to take a little extra force to fully remove stubborn food particles. Use the metal scraper to remove any stuck-on buildup on the top, then remove them and flip your scraper over to scrub the bottom for a thorough clean.

2. Clean the Burner Protectors

Next, focus on cleaning the burner protectors, which keep grease and other food matter from clogging your burners. Since their sole purpose is to collect food, these get especially dirty over time and will require additional elbow grease. Fortunately, with most grill models, these will pull right out, making cleaning easy. To clean the burner protectors, fill a bucket with soapy water and use a sponge to scrub them. You’ll be amazed at how quickly they’ll come clean.

3. Clean the Grease Collection Tray

One of the most overlooked parts of the grill cleaning process is the grease collection tray, but this is a key element to focus on. Without proper cleaning, the tray can become oversaturated, leading to a dangerous grease fire. Err on the side of safety by cleaning the tray thoroughly with soap and water and replacing any disposable pans as needed. When you’re grilling, never pour fresh grease down the drain, as it can clog the drain and cause major backups in your plumbing. Instead, let it sit out and harden before carefully disposing it.

To get their gas grills running like new, homeowners rely on Cincinnati Gas Lite Co. in Elsmere, KY. For over four decades, they’ve been providing everything from sales and installation to maintenance and repair of gaslight products for customers throughout the Greater Cincinnati area.  Whether you’re in need of a propane fireplace, gas grills, or a new log set, they have you covered. To get in touch for service, call (859) 727-1331 today or visit their website to view their wide selection of products.
