
As the warm months draw nearer, you’ll want to make sure your HVAC unit is equipped to beat the heat. Certain common problems, such as refrigerant leaks or frozen coils, may require professional repairs for your home to remain cool and comfortable. Mill Creek Heating of Turner, OR, wants you to know more about some of the most frequently occurring HVAC repair issues and how to solve them.

HVAC Repairs: 4 Reasons You May Need Them

1. Faulty Wiring 

HVAC repairIf your HVAC system breaks down completely, wiring may be to blame. Since this problem may start fires or cause electric shock, ask your local repair team to inspect the issue. If bad wiring is indeed the culprit, the professionals will rewire your unit so that it runs safely and efficiently.

2. Refrigerant Leaks

Low refrigerant levels will likely cause your HVAC system to blow lukewarm air. As soon as you notice that your system is low on coolant, simply add more to the unit. If Freon™ levels remain inadequate, your unit may leak. Allow your local HVAC repair experts to patch up the reservoir. 

3. Malfunctioning Fan

Broken fans are another reason why your HVAC system may fail to blow cool air. Typically, this is the result of your unit overheating or trips in your circuit breakers. Your HVAC repair company will either replace the fan itself or make adjustments to the motor that will restart the circulation of cool indoor air. 

4. Frozen Coil

Sometimes your HVAC system, though running, may not blow any air at all. If this is the case, your condenser coil is probably blocked, dirty, or frozen. HVAC repair technicians will assess the problem and move any obstructions out of the way, giving the coil a thorough cleaning or safely thawing it.  

When you need affordable, efficient HVAC repairs, Mill Creek Heating will keep your property comfortable. Give them a call at (503) 749-1000 today to speak with a representative about making an appointment for heating and air conditioning services. Visit them online to learn more about HVAC systems.
