
Color blindness is characterized by an inability to distinguish between certain colors, usually greens and reds. Because shades and hues impact many aspects of daily life, it’s important to understand how this condition works and how it can be treated. Below, the eye doctors at Spencerport Optical in Monroe County, NY, tell you what you need to know.

Why Does Color Blindness Occur?

Your retina, which sits at the back of your eye, contains two types of sensitive cells: rods and cones. Rods differentiate light and dark, while cones differentiate color. Your brain uses information gathered by rods and cones to perceive color.

If cone cells are missing or not functioning correctly, you may experience color blindness. The condition varies in intensity depending on how many color cone cells are affected.

Someone with mild color blindness might be able to see hues normally in a brightly lit room, but not in a dim space. Conversely, in severe cases, the person will simply see everything in shades of grey. An eye doctor can diagnose color blindness and its severity.

What Can Be Done About It?

eye examColor blindness is predominantly a genetic condition people are born with. Unfortunately, there isn’t a cure. However, there are special glasses and contact lenses that can enhance perception.

In rare situations, color blindness may strike later in life due to disease, trauma, or side effects from drugs. While congenital cases are usually stable, late-onset color blindness can worsen with time. Luckily, this version is often treatable—for instance, if your eye doctor determines it’s caused by a drug, the prescription can be changed.

Why Does Early Detection Matter?

People with color blindness still live completely fulfilling lives. It is important to catch the ailment early, however. For kids, it can cause difficulties in school, where colors are often used as teaching tools. For young adults, it can rule out certain careers, like graphic design.

If you are interested in a color blindness test in Monroe County, NY, trust the eye doctors at Spencerport Optical. These professionals provide comprehensive eye exams, as well as glasses and contact lens fittings. Visit them online to learn more about their services, and call (585) 352-1960 to schedule an appointment today.  
