
Spider encounters aren’t usually pleasant, and they can be downright alarming when they happen in the comfort of your home. While you probably don’t want to spend too much time examining them, it may help to understand the types of pests invading your property, so you have accurate information to provide your pest control service. The team at Copter Pest Control, based in Enterprise, AL, shares four spiders you may come across in the state.

4 Common Spiders You May Find in Alabama

1. Black Widow Spider

pest controlEasy to detect because of its hourglass-shaped body and a hint of red coloring, the black widow spider is known for its chaotic webs and its painful bite. If this creature bites someone, the person will most likely suffer redness and muscle cramps. It’s important to contact a pest control professional immediately if you encounter one of these near or inside your house.

2. Wolf Spider

Spotting a wolf spider can be alarming, simply because of their appearance. Light brown, with long legs, these large pests measure an inch long or more and tend to resemble tarantulas. Although they don’t create webs, they burrow themselves and sit in wait for prey. Residential pest control experts can detect their location using specialized equipment.

3. Cellar Spider

The cellar spider is particularly distinctive for its long legs. Since they don’t tolerate cold weather, you’ll probably find them inside the house when it cools down outside. In their search for warmth, they may settle in the cellar or basement. They tend to prey on different insects, as well as other types of spiders.

4. Mouse Spider

Mouse spiders have unusually hard fangs, which can produce a painful bite. These small insects move quickly, similarly to their namesake. In either brown or an inky black hue, they can be quite shocking to the naked eye if you aren’t expecting to see one. It’s important to contact your local exterminator quickly if you spot one since their bite can be dangerous.

Although it’s important not to panic when you encounter a spider at home, it is crucial to act quickly. Your local exterminators at Copter Pest Control will make quick work of the unwelcome critters invading your home and provide you with lasting solutions to ensure the problem is resolved. Visit the pest control service online for more information or call (334) 347-2430.
