
When courts make the difficult decision to award child custody to one parent over the other, they base this choice on what is in the kids’ best interests. So, how can you position yourself to gain sole or joint custody? Divorce attorney David R. Webb, Attorney at Law of Lincoln, NE, shares a few do’s and don’ts when it comes to strengthening your position.


Display a Willingness to Cooperate With Your Ex

Show the court you are mature enough to set aside your personal differences with your former spouse for your child’s benefit. Divorce attorneys say a parent’s willingness to cooperate with their ex on issues like child care arrangements and accommodating each other’s schedules within reason will make a positive impression.

Exercise Your Parental Rights

If you have a visitation schedule, make time with your child a top priority and demonstrate interest in their activities. Help them with their homework, attend parent-teacher conferences, and take them to their dance lessons or soccer practice. This will demonstrate your involvement and commitment to the courts.

Look the Part

divorce attorneyDress neatly and look well-groomed when you go to court. Conduct yourself as a parent who is serious about raising their child. Seek legal advice from an attorney about the law and court procedures so you know what to expect and how to prepare.  


Talk Negatively About Your Ex in Front of Your Child

Children hear, understand, and remember more than you might think. Your child may repeat negative remarks you make in court, which will work against you. Even if you’re venting to a trusted friend or family member, make sure you are completely alone.

Arrive Late or Miss Appointments

Don’t miss your scheduled visitation and other appointments related to your child. Be on time to pick them up and drop them off. Don’t cancel appointments unless you have true emergencies and the documentation to prove it.

Ignore Court Orders

If you are ordered to abstain from alcohol or drugs, don’t ignore the court. Don’t miss any treatments, counseling, or parenting classes, and always document your attendance and completion.

When you need a divorce attorney’s legal advice or representation in custody matters, contact David R. Webb, Attorney at Law in Lincoln, NE. Backed by more than 30 years of experience, this dedicated lawyer will counsel you and provide strong advocacy to protect your rights and help you achieve your goals. Call (402) 477-7577 or visit the firm online now to schedule a confidential consultation.
