
Bulimia, or bulimia nervosa, is a psychological eating disorder that refers to individuals who repeat the cycle of binge eating and then purging to compensate for the large quantities of food that were consumed. Over time, this eating disorder can cause serious physical and mental harm. Below, the compassionate team at Mental Health Association Of Rochester/Monroe County in New York discusses the most common effects of bulimia on the body.

3 Side Effects of Bulimia

1. Tooth Decay

Individuals with bulimia may engage in frequent vomiting to purge after binging sessions. Vomit contains stomach or gastric acid, and when it comes into repetitive contact with the teeth, it erodes the enamel and leaves the teeth more vulnerable to decay and bacterial infections. It can also cause the appearance of the teeth to change and become more yellow and glassy.

2. Hemorrhoids

eating disorderSome people with bulimia purge through the use of laxatives, which are drugs designed to loosen stools or induce bowel movements. When abused, laxatives can damage the digestive tract and cause straining during bowel movements. In turn, this may lead to hemorrhoids, which are painful swollen veins in the lowest part of the rectum and anus.

3. Stomach Problems

Repeated binging can tear the stomach lining, while vomiting can cause a number of serious stomach problems, such as chronic gastric reflux. This issue occurs when stomach acid comes up from the stomach and into the esophagus, eventually weakening and damaging it. This leads to other complications, such as heart burn, ulcers, and internal bleeding.

If you are struggling with bulimia or any type of eating disorder, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible to prevent serious consequences. Mental Health Association Of Rochester/Monroe County is a non-profit organization in New York dedicated to improving the emotional and mental well-being of their patients. Their peer-driven support groups offer residents the help and attention they need to enjoy a full recovery. Give them a call today at (585) 325-3145 to schedule an appointment, and visit their website for more information on their programs.
