
When it comes to taking proper care of your beloved pets, preventative measures are key. This is one of the many reasons laboratory research and testing are so vital to both short- and long-term health. Beyond simply providing the vet clinic with a better understanding of your pet's health status, lab tests are the best means of catching potentially harmful illnesses in their early stages. Below you will find a quick overview explaining why lab tests are so essential. 

The Importance of Vet Clinic Lab Tests

The average pet owner's concept of preventive animal care likely extends to routine checkups, which are a fantastic way to identify any potential health issues. Lab tests take the understanding of said issues a few steps further, though, and your veterinarian may want to administer certain tests when your pet is healthy. Examples of available lab tests include urinalysis, complete blood count, and a full chemistry panel to determine baseline values. 

vet clinicIn the event of any future illnesses, your vet clinic can compare and contrast the before and after laboratory test results for a better understanding of the problem at hand and how to treat it. In some cases, lab tests may even lead to more effective solutions for common health issues such as high blood pressure. Medication isn't always the appropriate response, and you may discover that all your pet requires is a custom exercise program and the switch to a special diet. 

What Lab Tests Entail

For those concerned about what to expect from a lab test, rest assured that these are non-invasive procedures. Beyond detecting any blood abnormalities, they provide a reliable means of identifying various skin diseases, urinary tract infections, and flea- and tick-related infections. If you have surgery scheduled for your pet, lab tests will also help determine whether or not they are at risk of further complications while under general anesthesia.

Before any tests begin, your veterinarian will consider a variety of factors. Breed, sex, age, and existing symptoms all play into laboratory test recommendations, so don't hesitate to ask about your options next time you visit the vet clinic. 


TLC Pet Care Centers of Cincinnati, OH, has been providing residents throughout the Tri-State area with top-notch pet care services for over 30 years. With an emphasis on prevention, the veterinarians at TLC will help ensure your loved one stays as healthy as possible all year round. Visit this vet clinic online for more on their methods of prevention, and get in touch with them at both their locations for an appointment. You can reach their East location at (513) 683-2300, and their West location is available at (513) 825-4011.
