
In the United States alone, studies show approximately 140,000 individuals are diagnosed with colon cancer each year. This condition displays a number of symptoms, which is why it’s crucial to talk to your doctor if you develop one or more of them. Treatment depends drastically on the stage at which the cancer is detected, which makes awareness of the symptoms vital for screening and prevention purposes.

A Doctor’s Guide to Colon Cancer Signs

1. Constipation

While constipation can be caused by a variety of conditions, when it becomes chronic, it can be an indicator of colon cancer. Polyps grow in the colon and cause food waste breakdown to slow, making it difficult to pass bowel movements regularly.

2. Watery or Loose Stools

The polyps that develop can impact the breakdown of food in several ways, from constipation to diarrhea. Because the waste removal process is slowed, stools may become watery or loose because of the extra amount of water needed to properly break food down.

3. Abdominal Discomfort

doctorWhen the body’s waste removal process is hindered, whether by diarrhea or constipation, severe abdominal discomfort may ensue. If this pain is present with either bowel issue and doesn’t resolve, this could be a sign of colon cancer and should be addressed by a doctor.

4. Blood in the Stool

Having blood in your stool can be a sign of many things, but persistent bloody bowel movements may indicate colon cancer. When you develop this condition, polyps or tumors grow inside the colon. When these are irritated or ruptured, they might bleed.

5. Sudden Weight Loss

Losing a significant amount of weight in a short period (without altering factors like diet or exercise) can be a signal of colon cancer. Because of the abdominal discomfort that can accompany the condition, you may notice sudden weight loss if your appetite decreases and your body doesn’t get the necessary nutrients.

6. Frequent Urinary Tract Infections

While UTIs are generally caused by bacteria, if you begin to develop these often, speak with a physician. Because colon cancer disrupts the body’s waste removal process, additional pressure may be put on the surrounding organs. The bladder and urinary tract can be impacted by this and may develop frequent infections.

7. Changes in Stool Appearance

If you notice your waste is small, ribbon-like, or black in color, take note. Stool may change shape or color when colon cancer is present because the colon is blocked and the body is taking longer to get rid of waste. 


The doctors at Lincoln Surgical Group PC in Nebraska have specialized in the treatment of colorectal and vascular issues for more than 80 years. To provide patients with the most modern medicine and non-invasive options, the professionals offer laparoscopic surgery for a variety of procedures. To learn more about this practice’s preventative and surgical care services, visit their website or call (402) 483-7825.  
