
Despite common misconception, humans are not the only ones who experience seasonal allergies during the spring and summer months. It’s also possible for dogs to get reactions and symptoms when exposed to allergens. If you’re a dog owner, the veterinarians at Lillian Veterinary Hospital in Alabama, discuss what you need to know to keep your furry friend happy and comfortable.

What Causes Seasonal Allergies in Dogs?

Seasonal allergies generally occur during the spring, fall and early summer months. The most common allergens that trigger a reaction include dust, pollen, molds, and grass. 

What Are the Symptoms?

When your dog is exposed to an allergen, the initial symptoms include licking, scratching, biting, and chewing on the skin, feet, ears and rears. Red, scaly patches may also appear around their body, as well as hair loss, darkly colored skin and thickened skin. “Hot Spots,” or warm, moist areas of skin with increased redness and hair loss can progress quickly and can begin due to allergies! You should be on the lookout for these symptoms after going on walks or spending time outside—this is where your dog is most likely to come in contact with allergens, but even if your dog is mostly indoors, it can still be exposed and have the skin changes associated with seasonal allergies.

What Can Be Done?

veterinarianThe after effects of allergies (hot spots, itchiness, ear infections, skin infections and hair loss) usually require some medical treatment. This treatment can include a medicated bath, using specific shampoos that provide relief from the itchiness, add moisture to the skin and can treat secondary bacterial or fungal infections. Or your dog may need to be treated with ear medications, change in diet or oral antibiotics or anti-fungals. There are also several medications, injectable and oral, that can provide relief from the itch sensation and put your pet and you at ease. If your dog’s reactions are moderate to severe, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. They will prescribe the best course of action to alleviate your pet’s discomfort.

If your furry friend has seasonal allergies, call your veterinarian to discuss their symptoms and schedule an appointment for treatment. For the leading animal hospital in Baldwin County, turn to the team at Lillian Veterinary Hospital. They also offer additional pet care services, including vaccinations, puppy visits, care for sick patients, pet boarding and dental checkups. Call (251) 962-2304 or visit their website for more information about their practice. 
