
Allan’s Of Central Kentucky Termite & Pest Control is here to remind residents that spring doesn’t just bring showers. After lying dormant all winter, termites emerge during the spring once the ground thaws. These sneaky invaders leave their colonies to take up residence in your home, and you might not be aware of their presence until it’s too late. Read on to learn answers to frequently asked questions that these Lebanon, KY, exterminators often receive about termite treatment.

4 FAQs About Termites

1. What Do Termites Look Like?

While there are several different termite species in the world, the subterranean termite is the most common variety found in North America.  There are two types of termites: the worker and the swarmer. The worker termite has a pale, worm-like body, while the swarmer has an almost-black body. The latter also has white wings, while the former has six legs and two antennae.

2. Can Termites Fly?

Yes, termites can fly. Only swarmer termites have wings, which they use to leave existing colonies and form new ones. You might also notice shed wings around doors or windows. This is because swarmers lose their wings after mating and go on to become kings and queens of their new colonies.

3. What Attracts Termites?

termite-treatment-lebanon-kyTermites love moisture and are attracted to warm, dark, undisturbed damp places, such as your crawl space. Mulch, shrubbery, and dead wood are prime real estate for these pests, so get rid of any decayed lumber or firewood. Swarmers are also attracted to light, so put yours on a timer so they aren’t running all night.

4. What Are Some Signs of a Termite Infestation?

Wood damage is one of the top signs you’ll need termite treatment soon. Knock on walls or other wood structures – if you hear a hollow sound, this might be a sign that termites have begun eating away at the interior. You might also notice piles of termite droppings, known as frass. This often resembles sawdust or dirt, but upon close examination, it resembles small pellets. It can often be found near baseboards, where you’ll find tiny boreholes where termites push the frass through.

If you suspect you might need termite treatment, talk to the exterminators at Allan’s Of Central Kentucky Termite & Pest Control. This animal and pest control company has been serving homes and businesses in Lebanon for more than 37 years. Learn more about their pest removal services online or by calling (270) 692-2215 today.
