
It’s crucial that homeowners maintain every aspect of their property and house. This prevents disrepair and deterioration and can better your home value. While landscaping and interior design are important, so are less visible tasks like taking care of your septic system. Here, you’ll find some do’s and don’ts to help you keep your waste management system in top shape. 


Get septic tank inspections.

You should schedule a septic system inspection once every three to five years to ensure that everything is working accurately. A technician will assess the bacteria levels in your septic tank and check the level of fluids versus solids in the septic tank. The tank can be inspected for cracks and root intrusions.If there is a filter in your system it can be cleaned.

Manage your drain field.

septic systemIt’s often not the septic tank that’s the problem when an issue occurs with the waste management system. Instead, the drain field might be to blame. Keep an eye on yours and ensure that you never install a garden bed, patio, or anything else on top of it. The area should be grassy and not overly wet. Standing water and raw sewage seepage are signs of issues that require immediate attention.


Hesitate to schedule septic tank pumping.

Most residential septic systems should have their tanks pumped once every three to five years. This means removing most of the waste in the tank so that it has room for future usage. Following this schedule will minimize the potential for tank overflows and related issues that can cause costly damage and require expensive repairs.

Wait to call for professional help.

If you notice a foul smell from your basement or see water seeping up through the laundry tub when you run the dishwasher, it’s time to call the professionals. Don’t wait to contact an emergency septic system maintenance company, as it’s possible your seemingly small issue can turn into a large flood in a matter of hours.


By maintaining your septic system, you’re keeping your home running smoothly, so your family members can take showers, use the toilet, and place waste in the garbage disposal without worrying. To schedule a septic tank inspection and pumping, call Reliable Septic Services in Savannah, GA, at (912) 604-3088. Visit their website to learn more about their prompt, efficient residential services and gain insight into why they’re a trusted name in septic installation and maintenance.
