
The health of your back and spine is essential for everyday movements and activity. One of the best ways to prevent pain is to regularly visit a massage specialist. Another way is to invest in a high quality mattress. Here are tips from Popoki Massage/TK World, a top massage studio and mattress store based in Honolulu, HI, to ensure your mattress is suited for your needs.

3 Tips for Choosing a Mattress

1. If You Need More Bounce

massageSome prefer a softer, more plush feel in the bed. This option can actually help prevent back pain as it gently folds around your frame. Those who sleep on their side may also find it healthier for their spine and shoulders. Look for a latex foam material that provides good air circulation that is still durable and maintains its shape. An innerspring can provide even more bounce to the bed. The typical coil ranges from level 12, being the firmest, to level 18, which is more compressible.

2. If You Prefer Firm

A firmer, stiffer mattress facilitates a neutral spine and promotes better blood flow throughout your body. These benefits are best for those who sleep on their back. A memory foam material with a polyurethane core provides a variety of thickness options and is highly recommended for those who struggle to sleep through the night because improved circulation allows for a deeper and more restful sleep.

3. If Nothing Feels Right

Some people swap between firm and soft mattresses and never find the right fit for them. If this is you, investing in a customized option like an air-filled vinyl material or a rubber chamber pad might be worth it. These options allow you to control the amount of air inside the mattress so you can change up the firmness level at will. Those who move a lot in their sleep and stomach sleepers may find an air-filled mattress to be their all-night sleep solution.

When your body is aching, consult the massage therapists at Popoki Massage/TK World. Their highly-trained staff provides an array of treatments from deep tissue massage to foot massage in a relaxing atmosphere. They also sell massage chairs and mattresses for comfort at home. Call (808) 589-6503 or visit their website to find out more about how they can help you.
