
Your home is not the only space that can benefit from spring cleaning once winter is over. It’s likely your car experienced a variety of inclement weather conditions during the cold months, and certain auto maintenance tasks can ensure it recovers correctly. From leftover road grime to oil concerns, your vehicle needs some revamping with the change of seasons. Here are four spring cleaning tips to help your car get a fresh start for the warm weather.

4 Tips to Prepare Your Vehicle for Spring

1. Inspect the Wiper Blades

auto maintenance While snowstorms may be over in the most places, spring will bring plenty of rain showers. When you’re on the road, your windshield wipers must be effective at clearing the glass, so you can see your surroundings and drive safely. Dirty and damaged wiper blades can also scratch your windshield, which means you’ll have to spend money to repair or replace it. Take your vehicle to an auto maintenance professional who can replace the wipers and blades.

2. Wash & Wax the Exterior

The salt used to make roads safer during the winter can eat away at your car’s paint and cause rust to form. Make sure to wash your car before spring arrives, so that any remaining salt and grime is removed. You can further protect your paint by waxing it, which makes the exterior slippery and prevents dirt and other contaminants from damaging it.

3. Check the Tire Pressure

Your tire pressure has likely decreased during the winter since cold weather causes the air inside the tires to condense. Check your owner’s manual or look at the interior of the driver’s side door to find the ideal tire pressure. Use a tire gauge to check each tire, or bring your car to a professional. Under-inflated tires lead to decreased fuel efficiency since more of your tires are coming in contact with the road and forcing your engine to work harder. Low tire pressure can also lead to blown out tires, so it’s important you take care of this issue ASAP.

4. Get Oil Changed

The winter weather causes dirt and other toxins to build up in your oil and engine. An oil change will provide your engine with fresh oil and proper lubrication, which will keep your engine’s components healthy. You should also take your vehicle to a professional for regular auto maintenance so that the entire car can be inspected for repairs and replacements needed after a harsh winter.


Is your car in need of auto maintenance after winter? Vito’s Auto Tech Inc. has been providing top auto repair services to drivers in Waterbury, CT, and the surrounding areas for more than 30 years. Their goal is to develop strong relationships with their customers to maximize their vehicle’s safety and reliability. Their team can work on all makes and models and have the expertise to perform a wide variety of auto repairs, including wheel alignments, engine tune-ups, tires, and brake systems. Give them a call at (203) 755-0020 or visit their website to learn more about why they’re the trusted auto repair shop in the area.
