
The bright green color and soft feel of a new layer of fescue sod can make the yard the highlight of your property. But fescue also requires specialized care to encourage the proper growth and increase root strength. Here are a few ways to keep the grass healthy and lush.

How to Maintain Your Fescue Sod & Promote Maximum Growth 

Irrigation Is Key Early On 

Freshly laid fescue needs a lot of watering at first, up to several times a day, to keep the top layer moist. After several weeks, begin to water the lawn less, but provide it with more when you do so. This helps ensure the sod is securely rooted to the ground and remains healthy. 

Mow When the Grass Is Slightly Longer Than the Desired Height 

sodTo safely mow your fescue, it’s necessary to wait until it reaches a height that’s around one-and-a-third more than the length you desire to keep it. Fescue can tear easily, so sharpen the lawn mower’s blades before cutting the grass. When mowing, leave small clippings where they lie, as they’ll provide nutrients when they decompose. Mow your fescue regularly to promote healthy growth, taking care to wait until it’s longer during extreme temperatures. 

Fertilize Several Times a Year 

Grass seeding is one of the best ways you can ensure healthy growth and the proper thickness. Fertilize only during periods when your lawn is experiencing cool season growth. Doing this during the summertime causes unnecessary stress and can lead to turf disease. Early spring and autumn are the best times to fertilize. 


By closely following the tips above, you will help your fescue sod grow to its full potential. If you have any lingering questions, Keeven Bros Sod Company in St. Peters, MO, will be happy to answer them. Since 1953, they’ve been providing affordable sod delivery and lawn services to businesses and residents throughout the Greater St. Louis area. To learn more, call them today at (636) 240-4900 or visit them online.  
