
Dentists encourage patients to floss, but many people remain unconvinced. According to the American Dental Association®, only one in four Americans floss every day, and 20% never floss at all. If you skip this step during your daily dental hygiene routine, consider these important reasons you should make it a priority for your oral health.

Why Dentists Want Patients to Floss Every Day

Prevent Gum Disease

When you eat and drink, plaque builds up on the teeth and gum line, and brushing alone is not enough to remove it all. The remaining bacteria can irritate your gums and increase your risk for gingivitis and periodontal disease. Dental professionals say cleaning in between your teeth just once a day helps loosen up and eliminate particles that contribute to these dental issues.

Maintain Your Healthy Smile 

dentistsPlaque isn’t only bad for your gums. Leftover particles can create an acid-producing bacterial biofilm that causes decay and attacks the bones that support your teeth. This may lead to painful and expensive fillings, root canals, and tooth extractions. Keep in mind that while flossing is important, flossing incorrectly or aggressively can do more harm than good. Make an appointment with your dentist to ensure you have the right technique.

Fresh Breath

If you suffer from halitosis, or chronic bad breath, a lack of flossing may be to blame. Floss gets down in between your teeth and gums to remove particles that create a foul smell. Once the particles become loose, regular brushing and rinsing help flush them out, leaving you with fresh breath.


Maintain good oral health by flossing every day and making regular appointments with a great dentist. Larry G. Hubbard, DDS, in Statesboro, GA, believes everyone deserves to have an amazing smile, and they have the technology, training, and tools to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. From standard cleanings and fillings to complex cosmetic dental procedures, their dentists assist you every step of the way. Learn more about proper oral hygiene from their website, or call (912) 764-9891 to make an appointment today.  
