
If you want a home garden that is beautiful and easy to maintain, consider adding some native plants to your landscaping. Wildflowers like Scarlet beebalm, orange daylilies, and pink evening primroses grow rampant throughout Virginia and will add beauty and vivacity to your garden design. Tom’s Yardscape, in Waynesboro, VA, has shared some of their favorite, native blooms you should consider adding to your spring landscaping layout.

Add These 4 Native Virginian Flowers to Your Spring Landscaping

1. Pink Evening Primrose

Nlandscaping-waynesboro-vao Virginia garden design is complete without these pink floras. Evening primrose flowers are beautiful and fragrant, spreading their pink petals at dusk to attract moths. Though they can survive in partial shade, evening primroses flourish in sunny locations. This bloom is also known for rapid self-seeding, so don’t expect it to stay contained in one spot.

2. Cambridge Scarlet (Bee Balm)

Hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees love the aromatic Cambridge Scarlet. These stunning deep-scarlet flowers are perfect for cutting and are edible, so you can enjoy them in salads or brew them into tea. They are fast-growing and do best in either full sun or partial shade.

3. Wild Columbine

Growing in a myriad of different colors, columbines can be red, yellow, pink, blue, white, or purple. These perennials are in the buttercup family and can reach around two feet in height when fully grown. Often found growing on rocky ledges in the wild, they do best in well-drained grounds and partial shade.

4. Common Daylily

The daylily is arguably the perfect perennial. New gardeners will be hard-pressed to kill these brightly-colored blooms. They are resistant to pests and disease, and able to survive a wide variety of climates. Try pairing them with ornamental grasses and small shrubs, or planting them along your entry walkway.

If you’re looking to add some life to the exterior of your home, Tom’s Yardscape can help you find the perfect Virginia wildflowers to complement your garden design. This full-service landscaping and hardscaping company has served Augusta County’s homes and businesses since 1995. Whether you want flowers or a new fire pit, they will work on any project to make your property stunning within your budget. Learn more about their landscape design services online or by calling (540) 949-8667.
