
It’s natural for new parents to worry about the health of their baby. Knowing when to seek out the assistance of a doctor is crucial in this case, as some symptoms are considered more serious than others. Accordingly, the trusted medical team at Walton Family Medicine PC of Monroe, GA, urge parents to keep an eye on the following problems.

3 Signs Your Baby Requires a Doctor

1. Vomiting & Diarrhea

Because babies are more susceptible to dehydration, a pediatrician should assess instances of vomiting and diarrhea right away. Also, pay close attention to the appearance of their waste—the presence of blood or mucus in stool and vomit calls for emergency medical attention. For babies, dehydration can occur in about 12 hours, as compared to older children, who can go an entire day before becoming dehydrated.

2. Fever

doctorFor babies under three months, a fever is a serious occurrence. It can indicate a bacterial infection, which requires immediate medical attention. Fevers that are 100.4 F or higher are particularly dangerous to infants, as their immune systems may not be mature enough to stave off severe infections. Also, keep an eye out for other symptoms, such as vomiting, and call your doctor if a fever lasts more than a few days.

3. Rash

While all babies are susceptible to skin irritation, significant illnesses can result in a rash that appears like red dots. This can be a symptom of chicken pox or meningitis, which is dangerous if left untreated. In most cases, these rashes will appear on the chest, back, and extremities, and may also include other symptoms, such as lethargy or lack of appetite.

If you have questions about the health of your baby, Walton Family Medicine PC is ready to help. Call (770) 267-7093 to schedule an appointment with a skilled and compassionate doctor. Visit them online to see a complete list of services available to families in Monroe, including pediatric treatments.
