
Most people love driving around in a sparkling, shiny ride. However, when you attempt to wash your car yourself, you may run into challenges tackling the windows. They are constantly subject to dirt and grime that can be difficult to remove without leaving behind scratches, streak marks, or lint traces. Fortunately, the professionals from Badger Glass in Anchorage and Fairbanks, AK, have the insider tips you need. When it comes to making your auto glass shine, there are a few key bits of information to keep in mind.

Auto Glass Cleaning Tips to Know

1. Use a Professional-Grade Cleaner

It’s important to use a high-quality auto glass cleaner, as mere soap and water or Windex simply won’t cut it. Opt for an expert-approved cleaner free of ammonia and alcohol, which can damage your window tint.

2. Wipe With the Right Cloth

auto glassDon’t just use any old rag to clean your windows. To prevent scratching the surface or leaving residue behind, you need to use a clean microfiber cloth. These cloths lift dirt, dust, and other debris rather than dragging it across your window like a typical rag would. Not all microfiber cloths are created equal, however, so talk to an auto expert about the variety that’s right for you. 

3. Employ the Right Technique

Rather than wiping your windows in a circular motion, employ an up-and-down technique, which will ensure you don’t leave any streaks behind. You should also use two cloths to avoid spreading debris from one window to another.


Sometimes, your auto windows need more than a simple cleaning to shine. When that happens, contact the experts from Badger Glass. The premier auto glass shop offers the windshield replacements and repairs locals need. To learn more about how the team can support you, visit the website. You can also call today at (907) 522-3927 in Anchorage or (907) 452-3927 in Fairbanks.
