
Your teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but sometimes they don’t! Dental implants are a common option for replacing missing teeth due to periodontal disease or injury. Cincinnati’s Lowitz & Meier offers individualized treatments for families and patients of all ages, and when it comes to tooth replacement, both of their dentists are trained specially in oral surgery and dental implants.

Dental implants resemble real teeth, since they are connected with the gum tissue and bone. An artificial tooth, or prosthesis, is surgically implanted into the jaw; in-bone implantation is the most common, where a metal framework is inserted into the jaw bone. For patients with minimal bone height, the metal framework is inserted on top of the jaw bone and through the gum tissue to hold the artificial tooth.

As opposed to bridges or dentures, dental implants are deep rooted into the jaw, and the artificial tooth is a substitute for real teeth. You are able to chew and smile with more ease knowing your teeth are sturdy and in place. You can also smile about saving money with dental implants. Designed to last a lifetime, your trips to the dentist will not require replacements necessary for other options, like bridges and dentures.

Based on your needs, your dentist will tailor a treatment that’s right for you. Dental implants can aid in replacing a single, several, or all of your teeth using a combination of implants, crowns, and bridges. Lowitz & Meier’s reputation is built on excellent service and long-lasting relationships, where patient comfort and safety are top priorities. They offer early morning appointments several days a week, and late appointments every Tuesday. Call (513) 521-8900 today to schedule your appointment, or visit their website for more information.
