
Even if you work hard to care for your teeth and keep them healthy, life is hard to predict. Accidents are often unavoidable, and the best way to protect your teeth in these situations is to prepare yourself. To help you avoid long-term harm, the dentists at Four Corners Dental Group have shared their recommendations for handling common emergencies they see in their Wasilla and Anchorage, AK, offices.

With the phone number of a good emergency dentist and a knowledge of how to handle common dental injuries, here’s how you can protect your oral health during an accident:

  • Knocked Out Tooth: If a tooth is knocked out, pick it up by the crown (the chewing end). If it’s dirty, gently rinse the tooth with water but do not touch or scrub the root. Any tissue attached to the tooth may be vital for reattachment. Put the tooth back into its socket if possible; if not, keep it moist by putting it in a cup of milk or in your mouth. Don’t place it in tap water, as that will kill the root surface cells. Go to the dentist immediately; they may be able to save the tooth.
  • emergency dentistChipped or Broken Tooth: If a tooth becomes chipped or broken, collect any pieces that may have fallen out. Gently rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to the area to keep down swelling. Go to the dentist immediately so they can repair any damage and help with the pain. You may need a dental crown to restore your tooth and prevent decay.
  • Bit Tongue or Lip: If you accidentally bite down on your tongue or lip, wet a cloth with warm water and gently clean the affected area. Ice the area to keep down swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t stop or slow after a few minutes, head to the emergency room for medical attention.

If an accident occurs, the dentists at Four Corners Dental Group are available at all hours with affordable dental care services. Their family dentistry practice offers state-of-the-art facilities and experienced staff to give you the best possible care. Call (907) 258-3384 for Anchorage or (907) 376-2790 to schedule an appointment in their Wasilla location. Visit their website for more information on their services.
