
It is not uncommon for summer weather to cause a temporary spike in your vehicle’s temperature, even if it features a computer-controlled cooling system. The auto repair experts at Stillwater Auto Clinic in Minnesota note a number of reasons for car overheating issues, including component wear and frequent stops and starts on hot days that tax the cooling system.

Help yourself and your passengers stay safe on the road this summer by learning what to do if your car overheats:

  • Shut Off the Cooling System & Open the Windows: Turn off your air conditioner as soon as you notice an illuminated warning light or another obvious sign of overheating. AC units put extra strain on vehicle engines and make them more likely to overheat in scorching weather. Open the windows to further help your car cool down.
  • Avoid Using the Brakes: Coast as much as possible when your car is too hot. Continual stopping and starting create drag that strains and overheats your engine. Move only when it is necessary any time you deal with bumper-to-bumper traffic in hot weather.
  • auto repairUse Antifreeze & Water: Put your hazards on and pull over to a safe area if your car continues to heat up. Open the hood to top off low coolant levels with antifreeze. If you do not have any available, use water to cool the vehicle. Place water and antifreeze in your car’s trunk as part of your summertime roadside kit.
  • Turn on the Heater: Turn on the heater to the highest temperature for a few minutes to pull heat away from the engine and into your car. Check the temperature gauge and warning lights before turning the heater off. This may not be the most comfortable solution, but it works.
  • Wait It Out: Keep the windows rolled down as you wait for your vehicle to cool on the side of the road. It may take a little time, but it is better than the alternative--an overly-hot car with internal damage. Ensure your hazards remain on and stay off the road to avoid potential accidents and injuries while you wait.

The auto repair team at Stillwater Auto Clinic also recommend keeping the hood of your car open to speed up the cooldown process. The car repair clinic provides the comprehensive range of services you need to maintain your vehicle for years, including oil changes and transmission work. Call (651) 351-7188 to schedule an appointment or visit the website for service info. Like the auto repair experts on Facebook for more helpful tips.
