
Oral hygiene is about more than keeping the teeth beautiful. If plaque and tartar are allowed to build on the teeth, it can eventually lead to gingivitis, which is an early stage of gum disease. Here is a little more information about what gingivitis is, and why pediatric dentists are worried about the condition, too. 

What Is Gingivitis?

The bacteria that live in your mouth can do more than give you bad breath. In addition to emitting sulfuric compounds that make your breath smell terrible, oral bacteria also produce acids that can dissolve dental enamel, paving the way for cavities.

pediatric dentistAdditionally, these dangerous bacteria also release toxins, which can inflame gum tissue and eventually seep into the bloodstream. Over time, oral inflammation can make the gum tissue appear red and swollen and can prompt the gum tissue to bleed easily. If left unchecked, gingivitis can morph into periodontal disease. 

Can It Affect Children?

While it is true that up to half of all adults are living with periodontal disease, this common condition isn’t relegated to people over the age of 18. In fact, pediatric dentists explain that the condition is common in kids, especially in areas where information about proper dental care may not be as readily available. 

However, gingivitis can be treated effectively in kids by focusing more carefully on oral hygiene and working with your child’s pediatric dentist. With careful dental cleanings and preventative services like sealants, your child can keep their teeth comfortable and healthy. 


If you suspect that your little ones are living with early onset gingivitis, schedule an appointment with Brandi Prather, DMD, PSC in Somerset, KY, today. With a focus on families and a commitment to excellence in dental care, this pediatric dentist can help your kids to enjoy a healthier smile in less time than you think. To learn more about the services offered by her practice, visit them online or call (606) 679-5437.
