
Stains can be aggravating, particularly if none of your best efforts to eradicate them seem to work. That’s especially true of stubborn grass marks. According to the laundry care specialists at Evans Mill Laundry in Lithonia, GA, however, there are steps you can take that are effective.

Laundry Care Experts Share 5 Tips for Eliminating Grass Stains

1. Act Quickly

laundry careThe key to successfully removing a grass stain is to act fast. The longer you wait, the more time it has to set. Prep the stain for removal by scrubbing it with a stiff brush to remove any loose debris. Then dab it directly with rubbing alcohol. This will help further dislodge any dirt. Follow by blotting the stain on a towel.

2. Use Lukewarm Water

Hot water can actually set the stain and make it tough to remove, so it’s important to use only lukewarm water for this step. Laundry care experts recommend using a sponge to gently dab the stain. Allow it to dry before moving on.

3. Use a Protease Detergent

Protease is an enzyme formulated to break down protein molecules. This is important to know, since grass stains are protein-based, mixed with pigments and chlorophyll. Only a specialty detergent containing protease can successfully attack the stain. Pour some on the spot and allow it to soak for at least half an hour. This is essentially a pre-treatment to the final step.

4. Brush to Loosen the Stain

You’ll need to use a stiff brush again, this time to scrub away at the underside of the stain. Laundry care professionals warn that this step may take some elbow grease–if the stain doesn’t respond, allow it to soak for a few hours in detergent and lukewarm water before scrubbing again.

5. Put It in the Washer

Whether you’re using your own washer or are at a laundry facility, be sure to use only cool water to wash the load. Inspect the stain after. Do you still see signs of a mark? Wash it again before drying on low heat. Remember that heat sets the stain, so check carefully before you take this step.

You can trust the laundry care team at Evans Mill Laundry. More than the average laundromat, this laundry facility is a cut above! They offer the highest-quality machines to help you tackle those tough grass stains. Visit their website for more information or give them a call at (770) 484-9974 today.
