
During the cold winter months, your air conditioner is out of a job. However, once the frost fades and the weather warms, it becomes essential. Unfortunately, if you turn an AC on before having it cleaned, you could face some negative side effects. Always have a professional inspect and service your unit in the spring for a clean and comfortable summer.

Why Clean Out Your Air Conditioner Before Summertime?

1. Keep Allergies at Bay

For many people, spring is marked by the onset of allergies. Dust, pollen, hay, grass, and budding flowers can result in itchy throats, eyes, noses, and skin. If your air conditioner is not cleaned out before a period of heavy use, it won't catch allergens before they enter your home. In fact, it could take in and blow out even more debris, making your symptoms worse. Ensure your indoor air quality is top-notch by investing in professional AC cleaning.

2. Save Money

air conditionerYour utility bills don't have to skyrocket when the weather warms up. In fact, you can prevent a significant increase in energy usage by cleaning out your system before using it. This will ensure air is circulating efficiently and all parts are working properly. When a filter is filled with dust, for example, it will slow down air flow, forcing the system to work harder to maintain a temperate environment. A quick clean-out will keep your bills affordable.

3. Protect Your Air Conditioner

There's nothing worse than an HVAC breakdown on the hottest day of the year. This is more likely to happen to those who do not clean out their systems regularly. Without proper maintenance, your unit will wear out much faster. By investing time and money into your system during the spring, you can make the most of it. On average, you should expect 10 to 15 solid years from an AC unit, but you can guarantee its longevity with yearly maintenance.


There are many reasons to clean an air conditioner before kicking it into high gear. If you have yet to do so, call Walker Electric. Located in Andalusia, AL, they are the premier choice for residential and commercial clients alike. This company specializes in air duct cleaning, air conditioner installation, and system repairs. For more information, visit their website or call (334) 222-2481 today.
