
Whether you’re switching to an iPhone® or want to upgrade to the latest computer, Apple® devices are equipped with cutting-edge technology designed to make your life easier. They’re much more than simple phones, tablets, or computers and provide capabilities beyond merely calling and browsing the internet. The devices have numerous applications and advantages that will help you in a variety of ways on a daily basis. 

How Apple Devices Improve Your Everyday Life

Access to a Personal Assistant

One of the leading benefits of an Apple device is it comes equipped with a personal assistant: Siri®. This application provides everything from scheduling assistance to problem-solving by utilizing a cutting-edge, hands-free voice technology. If you have a busy schedule, Siri will help you avoid conflicts, in addition to providing reminders that help you stay on track. When you have a question or want to hear a joke, the program can handle that, too.

Everything at Your Fingertips

apple-devicesApple devices can work with a host of different programs, including Microsoft Office® and Photoshop®, minimizing the need to switch back and forth between devices. They’re also designed to work with today’s latest smart technology programs, meaning you can control a variety of tasks with the press of a button. For example, you can use it to monitor your home security system or control your stereo from another room. 

Compact & Convenient Size

Lugging around an old laptop can be cumbersome, which is why many people invest in Apple devices. The machines are compact and lightweight, making them easy to fit in your bag and carry. Items like the MacBook Air® or Mac Mini® contain today’s leading technology and data storage capabilities, but they can still be easily transported when needed. This makes them ideal for those who are always on the go or working on the road.


When deciding which Apple device will make your life easier, it’s helpful to have an expert to consult. Experimac Akron has a variety of pre-owned products in their store and will point you in the right direction based on your needs. Their iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks are available for a fraction of the price of a brand-new device, and you’ll receive a 90-day warranty with your purchase. Call the Summit County, OH, store today at (234) 334-5006, or visit them online for a complete list of services. 
