
From impacted wisdom teeth to decayed molars, many circumstances may warrant a tooth extraction. However, thanks to developments in modern dentistry, this isn’t the painful procedure it once was. Don’t let fear deter you from making a dentistry appointment—here are three reasons not to delay the treatment.

3 Reasons to Treat Tooth Extractions With Urgency

1. Protect the Rest of Your Smile

If your tooth needs to be pulled because of decay, keep in mind that the deterioration can spread to other teeth. If it’s a question of overcrowding—as is often the case with wisdom teeth—the rest of your teeth are likely to shift, resulting in the need for extensive orthodontic treatment.

2. Simplify the Procedure

Ttooth extractionhe easiest tooth to pull is both whole and healthy. A damaged or decayed tooth is harder to grip and more likely to fracture during the extraction process. Therefore, getting your tooth pulled as soon as possible will prevent further damage, decay, and complications.

3. Spare Yourself Pain

Dentists are dedicated to preserving teeth. If they recommend a tooth extraction, you can trust it’s for a good reason! Even if the tooth in question feels fine now, it will likely cause discomfort at some point if it’s not pulled. For example, wisdom teeth are more likely to become infected, as they are hard to reach and clean. This can result in painful cavities in the future.


Nervous about a tooth extraction? Turn to Main Street Dental in La Crosse, WI, for gentle and compassionate care. These professionals prioritize patient comfort in all that they do. With a commitment to creating beautiful smiles, they provide people of all ages with top-quality dental care—from teeth cleanings to dental crowns. For an appointment, call (608) 784-4063 today. You can also like their page on Facebook for more insight.
