
Decorating a child’s room can be fun, especially when it comes to selecting lighting that contributes to the space’s design. Kids’ rooms should be bright! While it’s easy enough to find a suitable lamp for the task, it may be more of a challenge to select the perfect floor or table lamp for your little one’s room. Here are five unique option to consider when shopping for your son or daughter.

5 Creative Ideas for Kids’ Lamps

1. Characters

Popular characters are always fun for children. Whether it’s a theme park figure or a cartoon character, it’s easy to brighten the room with lighting featuring one of these well-known faces. Look for lighting that depicts a colorful ceramic character on the body of the lamp, particularly if you’re trying to incorporate some playful art pieces in the room. A lampshade adorned with character art is another option.

2. Sports

Do you have a budding athlete on your hands? If your child shows an interest in football or loves playing baseball every weekend, they will appreciate a lamp featuring soccer balls, baseball bats, footballs, or basketballs on the base. But if your child happens to love tennis or golf, there are lamps devoted specifically to those and other sports, too. Some lampshades even depict playing fields!

3. Animals

Atlanta, GA table lampAnimal themes are especially popular in kids’ rooms. Whether it’s a bold zoo motif or a subdued woodland creature concept, an animal-themed table lamp is a natural accent that will pull the entire design together. You can keep it simple with a neutral table lamp, or try something quirkier, like a floor lamp with an elongated giraffe’s “neck” serving as the pole.

4. Globes

Globe lamps play two roles. In addition to illuminating the room, they also serve as educational tools and make it easy for kids to learn a little about the world. Perfect for a desk or nightstand, globe lamps can be fascinating for kids who are interested in exploration. They’re also timeless and appropriate for children of all ages.

5. Transportation

From trains and airplanes to race cars, modes of transportation are commonly found on table lamps. Whether the design is on the base of the lamp, on the lampshade, or both, it’s an easy way to honor the child’s fascination with wheels and choo-choo trains or jets. These lamps can be bold, with sculptural planes and cars on the base, or subtler, with details like railroad crossing signs on the stem.


Are you seeking the perfect floor or table lamp for your little one’s room? If so, turn to the lighting experts at Lamp Arts in Atlanta, GA. Specializing in custom lighting, they will create a piece of art for your child that is right in line with their interests. Visit their website to learn more about their services and browse their creations, and give them a call at (404) 352-5211 to discuss your needs today.
