
Deciding whether to file a lawsuit or accept a settlement agreement after you've been injured in a car accident is a complex ordeal, depending on several variables that vary from case to case. According to Gary C. Mitchell, P.C., an accomplished personal injury lawyer serving New Mexico residents, it is usually better to settle your case with the help of an experienced attorney rather than go to trial, but you should consult with a legal expert before making any important decisions.

As a professional, your attorney understands the process and is familiar with the techniques insurance company lawyers use to influence your decisions. An attorney is also equipped to identify your legal options and identify the best course of action for your particular case and will represent your interests.

The majority of car accident injury claims are settled without the time and expense of a trial. As a general rule, accepting a settlement offer is the best choice because it spares you the stress and expense of a trial and guarantees a certain outcome. Court trials are more unpredictable, possibly leaving you with much less than the insurance company was offering, or even nothing.

Insurance settlement negotiations are a complex process, but assistance from a seasoned accident lawyer will help ensure the best possible outcome for your case. Before deciding whether to settle or sue, visit Gary C. Mitchell, P.C. online now to view his extensive list of practice areas, or just call (575) 257-3070 to schedule a consultation.
