
Appearances matter when you own and operate a commercial storefront. In fact, the visual appeal of your window glass can make the difference between welcoming a new customer and losing out on much-needed foot traffic. That’s why many business owners grow concerned when their window or door glass fogs up Here’s some insight into this issue and how you can work through it.

What Are the Primary Causes of Foggy Window and Door Glass?

Commercial StorefrontMost commercial storefronts welcome on-going sun exposure as it provides a bright and sunny atmosphere indoors. Unfortunately, constant sunlight, coupled with exposure to the elements, precipitation, and the use of air conditioning systems indoors can create condensation on your glass. In some situations, particularly if you have insulated windows, this moisture can seep between the glass panes, causing a constant look of fogginess. When this happens, cleaning the interior and exterior of your glass won’t necessarily fix the problem. 

How Can a Store Owner Rectify This Situation?

The best way to avoid having fogged up glass is by working with a glass repair expert. Together, through on-going cleanings and inspections, your windows and doors will stay in top-notch condition. If there is moisture or condensation between panes that cannot be fixed, you may need to budget for a replacement. The good news is, when working with a custom glass company, you can choose a new option that’s sturdy, energy-efficient visually appealing, and less likely to fog based on exposure to the elements. 


Fairbanks Paint & Glass is the leading paint supplier and window glass installation and repair company in Alaska. If you own a commercial storefront and are looking for assistance maintaining window and door glass, call their office today at (907) 456-7758 to discuss your needs. To learn more about the products and glass repair services they provide, visit this trusted company online
